

AmaSing Spider Dome Workshops

We deliver inclusive and inspiring arts workshops outdoors in our huge well ventilated Spiderdome. In these sessions we work with bubbles and participants can work alongside arts specialists and experience new opportunities they wouldn’t get in the everyday school curriculum. We offer a range of exciting workshops supporting children and staff in music, singing, composing, drumming, dance, drama, art and creative writing/ poetry and can work with all age ranges and abilities. We can design and plan sessions to fit in with your topics and school curriculum and offer opportunities to create your own school songs which can be professionally produced with score, lyrics, performance and backing tracks. If you would like more information on any of our workshops please get in touch with or our contact form via our website

Online Wellbeing Sessions

We have been keeping music and arts alive throughout the whole pandemic with children and communities and are on a mission to keep this going now schools have finally reopened. We have been astounded at how amazing our new workshops have been received in schools and are delighted to have been able to keep delivering inspiring arts workshops to so many groups in UK and abroad

We have been running wellbeing singing sessions each week to hundreds of bubbles in schools in England, Wales and abroad reaching over 3000 children. These workshops have been led by our brilliant musical director Andrew Smith and Kelly Stevens from House of Dance one of our partner arts organisations. These have been a positive and uplifting way for schools to start their day and connect with each other during these uncertain times. It has been so lovely to see the children smiling, singing and dancing again.

If you would like to take part in our online singing sessions please email or contact us through our website



About AmaSing

AmaSing is committed to organising and developing exciting and inspiring creative arts and education community projects and performances linked with singing, music and arts. These projects will build on community cohesion and reaches a diverse range of different communities, cultures, needs, ages working and learning together supporting each other in a creative and innovative ways. AmaSing works collaboratively with educational establishments including primary schools, high schools, colleges, universities and art specialists to develop and enhance children’s wellbeing, confidence and self-esteem.

Artsmark / Arts Award

AmaSing projects can support your school on their journey to achieve ArtsMark and Arts Awards. AmaSIng has become a partner with Artsmark and is working closely with Curious Minds to develop more opportunities to develop Arts in schools in Chester and surrounding areas. Artsmark and Arts Award are the Arts Council England’s flagship programmes for schools and children and young people, supported by Curious Minds.

Teacher Resources

AmaSing works collaboratively with educational establishments including primary/high schools, colleges, universities and art specialists to develop and enhance children’s wellbeing, confidence and self-esteem. It also supports professional development for teachers and training teachers in developing skills and opportunities to deliver singing, music and arts in the daily school curriculum. To access lyrics, music, scores and order T-shirts please register.

Workshops Enquiry

Amasing Hits the Jackpot!

Amasing Hits the Jackpot!

Amasing is delighted to have recently been awarded with some amazing awards for their work supporting mental health in young people using Arts.

Chester FC Shows

Chester FC Shows

The biggest children’s concert and first of its kind held at Chester Football Stadium bringing 1500 young people together to perform our unique songs.

Who We Work With