A huge thank you to all the fantastic schools, high schools, colleges, university, teachers, head teachers, administrative staff, university students and all the wonderful children for signing up to this project. Your boundless enthusiasm, patience and coming on this journey over the last six months. I hope it has been a worthwhile and enjoyable experience for you all.

A huge thank you to all the staff at Storyhouse especially Eleanor Brick, Tommy Biglin and James Roberts. It’s so exciting we have been welcomed back to complete this project in this amazing community space. It’s been wonderful to allow the children to perform here and experience something they wouldn’t in their everyday lives.

Una Meehan, Sian Duffty and Nick Ponsilio at Chester University, thank you so much for all your advice and support throughout this year and especially Una for putting up with my constant questions and mad ideas - you have been amazing to work with. A huge thank you to Sir Edmond and Lady Angela Barker at the Philip Barker Creative Centre for funding many of the workshops which students and children have participated in and gained so much from. Jody Pickles and Molly Johnson- gorgeous girls thank you for all your enthusiasm and always having a go at anything I suggest no matter how crazy it is. You are both huge stars and have such bright futures ahead of you. I can’t wait to see what you both achieve. Andy Smith and Liam Hardwick well once again you two are superstars and I don’t think I could ever imagine doing these projects without your help and support. You are two talented guys and I love working with you. Thanks to the rest of my AmaSIng band Paul Adams, James Dee and Alex Dee for just being AMAZING!! I could sit all day watching you guys perform. Thank you to the talented Ashley Fayth and Matt Baker for once again letting us use your fantastic compositions which the children have loved learning and performing. Julie Guile and Chloe Vickers - the gorgeous dancing ladies who add that glam to AmaSing. Thank you for your patience and being part of the project and once again putting up with my mad ideas. Thank you to everyone at Artsmark and Curious Minds especially Emma Bush and Hanna Lambert for their support and advice through this project and lets hope we are one step closer to making Cheshire West and Artsmark Borough. Thank you to all the groups and soloists who have come to perform this year and especially Ruth Moore from Harmonix Vocal Collective, Lucy Norbury, Kevin Tout from Voicebox, Fiona Brockway from the Hammond and Sallie Fletcher from Deesign Choir for all your support and enthusiasm to be part of this great community collaboration.

A huge thank you to AmaSIng sponsors Oliver and Co Solicitors and Lumisi Creative who without your funding, support, amazing technical advice and creativity this wouldn’t have been possible. It’s been fantastic having you part of this again. Thank you to our other sponsors MBNA and Ursula Keys who without your funding this project would not have been possible. You have really kept arts alive in schools and communities. Thank you to all the staff from the charities involved Dementia UK, Young Mind UK and of course Chester Zoo. Hopefully we will have raised lots of awareness and money for the brilliant causes. Thank you to Alan Stones at Recognition Express for supplying the fantastic Tshirts and Hoodies- they look amazing!

Finally I want to say a huge thank you to my wonderful directors, Tim Polding, Luke Gooding, Dave Wearing and my lovely husband James Borman, my wonderful family and friends who are always my rock and believe that this was worth doing again. I am passionate about the power of the arts and keeping them alive in schools. It is my greatest wish that through AmaSing projects we can continue to work with communities to keep this a reality, building on children’s wellbeing and having lots of fun too.

Rachael Borman Director, AmaSing Projects CIC