We have had a fantastic few days in the most amazing space surrounded by amazing animals working with the fantastic Chester Zoo providing music, drumming and dance workshops during their “Live it Longer and Sustainability” festivals.
During these events families and young people came and took part in our exciting sessions led by our music specialists James Dee, Alex Dee , Ben Gray and Kelly Stevens making music and dance linked with Chester Zoo’s campaigns.

Please see our short video to see some of the exciting things we got up to.

Check out our brand new Chester Zoo song “ Sustainability” which we created during the pandemic with staff from Chester Zoo and 34 schools from Ignite led by our amazing Musical director and composer Andrew Smith. This song promotes the Zoo’s important message on Sustainability and has been performed by over 14000 children across the globe who came together in our Big Online Sing during the pandemic.

You can access our song in our music and resource section on the website or on Chester Zoo learning website with other amazing resources https://www.chesterzoo.org/schools/